Supervisor Skills

The Basic needs to be an effective Supervisor


Supervisor skills are critical to process and team performance. Yet they are often 'too busy' to develop how they lead and improve. This comes at a heavy cost for many organisations.

FOUNDATIONS: The basic needs of supervisors and teams can only be satisfied in a supportive and safe workplace. 

1. MANAGEMENT SUPPORT: Managers create the conditions for supervisors to fulfil their roles and business objectives, including an effective learning process that builds well-trained, flexible supervisors through direction, training, coaching and support. 

2. HEALTHY & SAFE WORKING ENVIRONMENT: This is a prerequisite for engagement and sustained results. Supervisors skilled at job safety spot and prevent risks in things and people and break the 'chain of causation' of accidents and injuries. 

KNOWLEDGE: By clearly defining knowledge of work and responsibilities, leaders ensure everyone understands what is required of them to achieve the business objectives. 

3. KNOWLEDGE OF WORK: As a supervisor you need in-depth knowledge of your work and the work of the people you supervise. This enables you to support, collaborate with, coach and challenge your people. 

the rules, regulations, values and customs of your organisation is key to fulfilling your role and supporting your people in fulfilling theirs. 

SKILLS: Leadership and improvement skills enable supervisors to raise performance in their department. Supervisors that routinely motivate their people and develop their work environment deliver above-average results. 

The 5 needs of every supervisor.png

5. SKILL IN IMPROVING METHODS enables supervisors to use materials, machines and people more effectively. With this skill they are able to study each job in detail and improve it by eliminating, combining, rearranging and simplifying its details. This skill provides a strong foundation for continuous improvement. 

6. SKILL IN INSTRUCTING enables supervisors to develop a well trained and flexible workforce. By applying this skill, supervisors achieve the required level of quality and service, improved output, fewer accidents, and better process stability. 

7. SKILL IN LEADING improves supervisors’ ability at working with people and obtaining their co-operation. This skill, when applied daily, enables you as the supervisor to prevent many people problems from arising and solve the ones that do arise. Skill in Leading is the keystone of the gateway, holding it together and enabling supervisors to apply their knowledge and skills to get results through people. 

The TWI J Programs build foundational skills and habits that enable other improvement, learning and management methods. They are a strong starting point for developing great people that deliver great results. 


Why do we need Management Training?

If managers don’t develop, neither will their teams. There several key reasons for this.

Not just Management training for ‘high-flying’, strategic skills

Management training implies 'advanced' skills. It is assumed they know how to lead & improve. But basic leadership skills significantly impact daily performance, and management skills training can make a huge difference.

Management skills training to develop daily leadership

Daily leadership is critically important for stable operations performance.

Management skills training to improve faster



Leadership skills

We are currently updating this content

In the meantime, please contact us to find out more about Leadership Skills development with Supervisor Academy






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In the meantime, please contact us to find out more about OPTIMISE MACHINES training through Supervisor Academy



Why do we need Management Training?

If managers don’t develop, neither will their teams. There several key reasons for this.

Not just Management training for ‘high-flying’, strategic skills

Management training implies 'advanced' skills. It is assumed they know how to lead & improve. But basic leadership skills significantly impact daily performance, and management skills training can make a huge difference.

Management skills training to develop daily leadership

Daily leadership is critically important for stable operations performance.

Management skills training to improve faster


Do my supervisors need Problem Solving Training?

Rapid problem solving is a hallmark of good supervisors. It is more than just containment. TWI Problem Solving Training shows how to remove the real causes of complex production problems quickly and sustainably.

The problems supervisors face are not all the same. Some are technical, some involved people, some are more complex and involved both. Does the problem involve quality, flow or productivity? Finally, there is also a difference in the type of solution required:

  • Do I need to contain the problem right now and keep production moving?

  • Do I need to fix this problem more permanently to prevent future disruptions?

  • Am I trying to raise performance to the next level and need to figure out how?

Each type of problem requires a special problem solving skills our supervisors need to master to become truly exceptional.

Problem Solving Training for containment: How to “stop the bleeding”?

Problem Solving Training for countermeasures: How to prevent recurrence?

Problem Solving Training for continuous improvement: How to raise the standard?





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In the meantime, please contact us to find out more about LEAN OPERATIONS training through Supervisor Academy






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In the meantime, please contact us to find out more about PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT training through Supervisor Academy





Rapid Improvement

We are currently updating this content

In the meantime, please contact us to find out more about Rapid Improvement training through Supervisor Academy