How is Training within Industry taught?
Training within Industry was developed for fast delivery, easy absorption and rapid multiplication. Each TWI skill and leadership course is delivered in five sessions, one two-hour session per day. Training within Industry involves short explanations of TWI theory, practical demonstrations as well as interactive exercises that develop understanding through hands-on practice, discussion and feedback.
During the training week, in addition to class-room sessions, participants apply and practise the new leadership skills on the job. Training within Industry’s aim is to develop practical skills. New skills are acquired through deliberate practice and feedback. Therefore, throughout the training week participants apply the TWI routines straight away at their workplace, whilst receiving guidance from an experienced TWI trainer.
“Training within develops practical skills through immediate application in participants’ workplace and expert coaching.”
How to extract value from TWI training?
In the weeks following the TWI training, participants undertake pilot projects where they apply the new supervisor skills to actual operations problems. This consolidates their skills and delivers rapid pay-back on the training investment. If done correctly, working on the TWI projects also kicks off new leadership habits. It is through daily leadership habits that the TWI skills deliver sustainable impact. Companies that connect Training within Industry skills to daily leader standard work of their supervisors and managers are more likely to experience strong and sustained return on their investment in Training within Industry.
“Building daily habits through leader standard work
boosts and sustains the impact of new TWI skills.”